Statusuri in love
Love, dragoste, iubire, acest sentiment atat de fragil dar in acelasi timp atat de puternic. Sentiment care pune stapanire pe toate simturile si pe tot corpul, iar intr-un final, se atinge fericirea. Cand esti indragostit sau cum se mai spune, in love, simti fluturasi in stomac si nu sti ce se intampla cu tine, ei bine in astfel de momente, pe messenger poti pune statusuri in love, sa arati la toata lumea ceea ce simti.
Imi reamintesc clipa dulce, cand ai aparut in calea mea, ca o fantoma ce seduce, cu parul tau rosu ca focul si ochii tai albastri ca cerul senin de vara, imi reamintesc primul sarut care ne-a unit si zambetul tau dulce... Te iubesc!
Love is the greatest feeling, love is like a play, love is what I feel for you, each and every day, love is like a smile, love is like a song, love is a great emotion, that keeps us going strong, I love you with my heart, my body and my soul, I love the way I keep loving, like a love I can’t control, so remember when your eyes meet mine, I love you with all my heart, and I have poured my entire soul into you, right from the very start.
I loved you once, I love you still, always had and always will...
Dragostea e ca vantul... nu o poti vedea, dar o poti simti...
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