vineri, 1 ianuarie 2021

La Multi Ani 2021!
An nou fericit si un calduros La Multi Ani! Sa ne vedem cu bine si sanatosi in anul 2021. Sa fim mai intelegatori, mai intelepti si mai buni, de lucrurile rele sa ne scapam, iar lucrurile bune sa le adunam. Sa aveti parte de sanatate, fericire, bucurii si tot binele din lume.

Fie ca noul an sa va aduca numai bucurii si impliniri, va dorim multa sanatate si un an nou fericit! La Multi Ani!

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marți, 31 decembrie 2019

revelion 2009La Multi Ani 2020!
An nou fericit si un calduros La Multi Ani! Sa ne vedem cu bine si sanatosi in anul 2020. Sa fim mai intelegatori, mai intelepti si mai buni, de lucrurile rele sa ne scapam, iar lucrurile bune sa le adunam. Sa aveti parte de sanatate, fericire, bucurii si tot binele din lume.

Fie ca noul an sa va aduca numai bucurii si impliniri, va dorim multa sanatate si un an nou fericit! La Multi Ani!

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marți, 18 aprilie 2017

The Great Noblegarden Egg Hunt 2017 on wowhead

WoW Noblegarden is here and on Wowhead there's the new 2017 Noblegarden egg hunt contest to find 10 clues and win prizes!

Here are the ten clues for the ten eggs:

1. I wander the streets and stores of Dalaran, but you never see me do so. I am hidden but also in plain sight. I am tiny in size but also largely known. Who am I?
2. Riddle me this: Of sea, spirit, and self... first of the Lords to fall... the wind, the eye... the plume, the tomb, the scarab moon... the snow, sand, and stone... behold the battle unblinkingly... bejeweled watcher... ray of sunrise...
3. "An illusion! What are you hiding?" are words you'll never hear again as you ride this mount through beautiful but deadly streets.
4. Three parts whispers from the shadowlands, two parts crickets, and one part squid ink. This is not a drink that most would enjoy, but many still love, for the effects are one of beauty and wonder.
5. "I was lost, but now I have been found. Only few can tame my soul to them. Look carefully for that which remains of me, only then will I appear."
6. In this quest you'll confront the adorably disturbing fel creatures loved by Khadgar and detested by Illidan. Clearly he was not prepared for the Legion taking a liking to these creatures.
7. This music roll sounds heavenly, but in a twist of fate you'll have to get blood on your hands to acquire it.
8. Rabbits are a common sight during Noblegarden, but this one is more sinister than your average bunny with his huge, sharp teeth.
9. This particular brew seems to be the favorite enjoyed by all around this particular time of year - it will put a spring in your step.
10. This toy maybe able to help you sweep up even the toughest dirt without any effort. But your feline friends may want to hitch a ride on it instead.

 Solve these ten clues to receive ten entries and ten chances to win the contest!

 The 10 clues are on the other page...

1.Traveller Pepe 2.Riddler's Mind-Worm 3.Arcanist's Manasaber 4.Inky Black Potion 5.Lost Spectral Gryphon 6.Felrglrglrglrgl 7.Music Roll: Angelic 8.Darkmoon Rabbit 9.Springtime Stout 10.Pilfered Sweeper Good luck!

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duminică, 17 iulie 2016

World of Warcraft: Legion

World of Warcraft: Legion este cea de-a sasea expansiune pentru World of Warcraft, cea care marcheaza reintoarcerea legiunii demonilor. Eroii ambelor tabere, Hoarda si Alianta, vor calatori spre Broken Isles unde vor incheia un legamant cu Demon Hunters pentru a-si salva lumea de la invazie. Caracteristici: O noua clasa, Demon Hunter, arme noi Artifact, un nou continent – Broken Isles, cresterea unui personaj direct la nivelul 100, posibilitatea de a-ti organiza supusii NPC și de a-i trimite in misiuni prin intermediul Order Hall, cat si un nou sistem PvP.

Pregateste-te de lupta!

For The Horde!

World of Warcraft: Legion include:
Un nou continent: The Broken Isles 
O noua clasa de personaj: Demon Hunter 
Artefacte: arme care pot fi personalizate si a caror putere creste odata cu a ta 
Halls si followers specifice fiecarei clase 
Dungeon-uri si Raid-uri complet noi 
Noi World Bosses 
Limita de nivel ridicata la 110 
Sistem de progresie PVP restructurat 
Sistem imbunatatit de transmogrification 
Optiuni sociale imbunatatite 
Character Boost— creste imediat un personaj la nivelul 100

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sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2016

Warcraft - The Beginning

Iata ca a aparut mult asteptatul film Warcraft. Multi fani ai acestei lumi l-am asteptat cu sufletul la gura si iata ca astazi visurile noastre s-au implinit. Binenteles ca totul incepe cu Inceputul si anume primul mare razboi, cei care stiu povestea au idee despre ce vorbesc, asa ca nu mai stati pe ganduri si mergeti sa il vedeti.

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